
“Do your own research” (Re: A Vegan’s Take on my video)

One of my viewers, “Unnatural Vegan” (UV) discussed my video What made the Ancient Egyptians Fat and Sick? on their channel. UV’s response video gained quite a bit of interest, amassing over 60,000 views, so I thought I would comment…

What made the ancient Egyptians Fat and Sick?

This is the transcript for my video of the same title published on July 27th, 2020 What was making ancient egyptians fat? The architect Hemiunu’s statue suggests he was overweight with a serious case of man boobs. National Geographic reported…

Less Breath: Better Health? (Mouth Breathing vs. Nasal Breathing)

The following is the transcript for the video by the same name on my channel “What I’ve Learned,” originally posted on April 12th, 2017. The hit Netflix series “Stranger Things” has done a great service to its viewers. While it has…

The Science of Internet Addiction & Willpower

The following is the transcript for the video by the same name on my channel “What I’ve Learned,” originally posted on April 12th, 2017. In September of 1848, a 25 year old named Phineas Gage was working on a railroad in…

How the Internet Redesigns your Mind

The following is the transcript for the video by the same name on my channel “What I’ve Learned,” originally posted on March 10th, 2017. Imagine for a second that everyone had a magical cube in their pockets. With the right permutation,…

Science of How OCD Works (Dealing with Brain Lock)

The following is the transcript for the video by the same name on my channel “What I’ve Learned,” originally posted on February 23rd, 2017. My first encounter with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder was Nicholas Cage’s character in the movie Matchstick men who…

How to get more quality sleep | (Science of Sleep Part 2)

The following is the transcript for the video by the same name on my channel “What I’ve Learned,” originally posted on February 10th, 2017. I assume you’re here because you already understand that sleep is a top priority for good…

Why Sleep is Critical for the Body and Brain

The following is the transcript for the video by the same name on my channel “What I’ve Learned.” After reading The Sleep Revolution which is all about the importance of a good night’s sleep… I found it really hard to……

Eating Once a Day: Questions

There were several questions about the “One Meal a Day” post, so I thought I’d answer a few

Longevity & Why I eat once a day

You don’t need to eat three meals a day, and when you do, you’re missing out on a whole host of health benefits.