Eating Once a Day: Questions

There were several questions about the “One Meal a Day” post, so I thought I’d answer a few

A bit more than a month back, I made a blog post called “Longevity & Why I Eat Once a Day” and posted a video version of that post on Youtube, which unexpectedly took off. It was awesome to see that so many people found the video interesting, and I had a lot of fun reading the questions and comments. I tried to answer what I could but obviously I can’t write a response for all 1700 comments. Since several questions were asked multiple times, I thought I’d take a minute to give some simple answers to some of those questions. I will be expanding this as more comments come in, or correcting some information if necessary.

Do you still do this?
Yes, but I’ve been playing around with it lately. I’ve been experimenting with eating once every other day not specifically to lose weight, but just to see if it’s do able. Also trying eating 2 days then not eating 2 days. It’s surprisingly not that big of a difference in terms of effort, and more surprisingly: hunger bothers me less and less than I would think.

How can you stand to be hungry all day? I don’t even want to live longer if I have to force myself to suffer all the time.
This is a very reasonable concern and it’s sort of hard to get the point across unless you’ve experienced it for yourself. The point being: It’s really not that bad. Sure, the first week I felt a bit hungrier than I would have liked and I even would go on reddit to gawk at the /r/food pictures when I wasn’t eating. But after the second week it didn’t bother me too much. By the third week hunger rarely crossed my mind and I would even go an hour or two past my usual eating time without noticing.
I think we have the ability to addict to nearly anything, so it’s very understanding that the idea of “giving up” food sounds so terrible. Some people even mentioned “How can hunger be good for us if it feels so bad, and eating feels so good?” Not to be extreme, but then shouldn’t heroine or cocaine be incredibly good for us? Trust me, you adapt to the hunger much faster than you’d expect. (Assuming you’re not eating a bunch of low fibre high carb junk)

Have you noticed any changes? In mood / energy / sleeping?
Energy levels are much higher and much more stable. Since I feel better, I’m generally in a more positive mood throughout the day. A big thing I noticed was needing less sleep. I used to have to sleep at the very least 8 hours to not feel like a fat labrador retriever in the morning, but now 6-7 hours tops is enough for me and I don’t need an alarm clock. 

Weight Loss? Do you workout? Can you maintain muscle mass on this?
Weight loss isn’t a goal for me but I’ve lost maybe 4 kilos of total weight since I’ve started this. After getting more serious about my workout (while continuing the one meal a day), my muscles have gotten bigger, more defined and I feel stronger.
I mainly do calisthenics-y exercises: pullups, handstands, L-sits, kettle bell swings, pushups, squats. Try to make sure to get a full body workout every other day and on the other day, I regularly do pushups and squats throughout the day to keep me focused after working at the computer so long. Sorry I don’t have any specific body fat stats or  squat / bench stats, but I can do more pullups/pushups & longer L-sits et cetera if that tells you anything. I’m not worried about losing muscle mass. Could I build muscle faster on more calories and more meals a day? Sure, probably.
A lot of people were pointing to the Nun Amen Ra video (eats once a day, bodybuilder) and he’s pretty jacked.

What do you eat? How many calories do you eat? What’s the macronutrient ratio?
I’m not much of a gif maker, but I gave making one a shot to show what I eat. It’s usually a variation of that- some berries, fruit and vegetables blended up + eggs, avocado and some meat or fish or maybe both. The total in that gif is probably around 1500 calories tops and lately I eat probably around 1200 calories. While I don’t know the specific ratio, you can kind of guess that it will be Fat > Protein > Carbohydrates. Fat, Fiber and Vitamins & Minerals are top priority for me. Protein comes second in priority, and poor carbohydrates get somewhat shunned.
(In the gif, it’s kind of confusing and I think I made it look like I ate a plate of veggies, a smoothie, a plate of eggs and meat and a second plate of eggs and meat. The plate of veggies is just what’s in the smoothie and the first plate is the same as the second plate, just unprepared.)

Low carb high fat? Enjoy your heart disease. (I have a video addressing this:)

What time do you eat? What’s your window for eating?
I used to eat right before bed because the food would get me real sleepy. I heard your digestive system works best around noon somewhere so I gave that a shot. Felt a lot more light in the morning when I ate at noon compared to eating at night so I stuck with it. I try to keep my window down to 1 hour. If you need a longer window than that to get down all the food you planned to eat, you’re probably eating too much (unless you have some athletic goals).

Do you drink anything during the fast?
Sure – I have plenty of water, maybe 2-3 cups of coffee a day and some ごぼう茶 (Gobou Tea) if I have any. The tea was recommended by Yoshinori Nagumo, the author of that book 空腹は人を健康にする (Hunger makes you healthy). I try not to go over 3 cups of coffee because I get sorta jittery. Coffee is an excellent hunger suppressor too. Go ahead and drink whatever teas you have, I’m sure they’re fine or maybe even better than the coffee. Too much caffeine may make you feel pretty crappy though.

Is the Japanese book you mentioned available in English?
Not yet, sorry. Available in Japanese and German only it seems

How can you say carbs aren’t necessary?
Because… they’re not necessary for survival. I wouldn’t recommend a zero carbohydrate diet or try to argue that it’s particularly healthy but… you’re not going to die and might not even have any particularly bad ailments if you don’t eat them (assuming you’re getting all your vitamins and minerals etc.)
Someone brought up fibre and it made me realize I should have at least made a sidenote about it. My explanation regarding how carbohydrates and glucose can really screw up your metabolic engine failed to mention fibre. Fibre is wonderful in mitigating that spike in blood sugar that results from high glycemic load foods like candy, bread, low fat snack bars etc.
So no, I am not suggesting carbohydrates from veggies and fruits will make you fat or that they are bad at all.

What do you think about a vegan diet?
If you’re doing it for moral or environmental reasons, that’s great – no debate there. Is it healthy? Sure (assuming you’re not eating junk and are supplementing properly). Is it the healthiest I’m not convinced that it is. Sure, veganism can keep you very healthy and I’m not surprised that a lot of vegan people look great. But you’re gonna have a tough time arguing why it is the best diet. I won’t get into it too much here, but it’s too restrictive: you’re cutting off access to some wonderfully nutrient dense foods. You also need to be careful with supplementation to make sure you’re getting everything the body needs to run really well. Among other points, one really big thing for me is getting enough DHA (fatty acid found in fish).
DHA is pretty huge for us, it’s widely understood as the key nutrient to our evolution as a species. It’s very important for the brain and it’s even more important for in utero babies. When pregnant mothers aren’t getting enough DHA, their babies are shown to have less cognitive ability and visual acuity compared to babies whose mothers that were getting enough. If you’re vegan make sure you’re supplementing with it (there are vegan grade supplements out there). If  your vegan sister/wife/cousin/coworker is pregnant, please encourage them to supplement DHA as well.

The X people of Y location eat like Z and frequently live to be 100! Athletes eat 6 times a day and are super ripped and look great! This has to be wrong.
This line of thinking sort of misses the point I was trying to communicate in the video. Think about it like this: There’s a beautiful woman on a remote island and suddenly a foreign looking man comes out of the forest and says “Hello there young lady! Surely you would like to spend the night with a master navigator like myself! I came here on a Kayak, the best method of travel. Obviously this method is best because as you can see, I am now here on the island.” then another man comes out of the forest and says “Wait just a moment, sir! She should spend her time with me, for it is I who is clearly the master navigator and used the best method- canoeing to get here! Obviously this is best because as you can see, I am here” Then a third guy busts in trying to sell her on how sailing is the best and the woman decides to leave.
The point is, there are many ways to be healthy. This is one of them. You can be very healthy on one diet while someone else is very healthy on another diet. If you have different goals or ideas of what is “healthy”, then it makes sense that you might want to lend yourself to a specific diet. Maybe you want to get jacked, or be a power lifter or a sprinter, then sure, you’ll want to have a different diet.
The point is – Methods for being healthy don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Sure the Okinawans ate a high carbohydrate low fat diet and lived to 100 – which isn’t the same as what I’m advocating in the video, but that doesn’t nullify the idea that this way of eating can be healthy or other ways of eating for that matter.
By the way, forget about the high carbohydrate intake: What about the Okinawan’s fibre intake? Or the fact that they’re eating so many awesome fermented foods that promote GI microbiome health? They’re also practicing calorie restriction: they have a phrase 腹八分 harahachibu, meaning “8/10th stomach” or “eat until you’re 80% full“. There’s so much more to health than just macronutrients.

What about gastrointestinal distress? Wouldn’t the stomach get too acidic?
If the question was whether the stomach would start to eat at itself without food to apply the stomach acid to, then I would say that’s not quite how the stomach works. The epithelial cells in your stomach will still secrete mucus and bicarbonate to protect itself from the acid even if there’s no food. Actually your stomach will probably get less acidic because there’s no food coming in, the stomach isn’t prompted to secret any extra acid to digest it.

Shouldn’t you snack or eat multiple meals per day to keep your metabolism up?
I saw this a couple times in the comments and wasn’t quite sure what part of metabolism people were referring to, whether it be anabolism or catabolism.
The idea of eating more meals per day doesn’t make much sense unless your aim is to eat a lot of food. If you’re a body builder and you want to get in as much food as possible, you’re going to have to eat multiple meals a day because you simply can’t fit all the food an athlete like that needs in your stomach at one time. In this case, I guess you really are “upping your metabolism” because your body is in more of an anabolic state.
If you’re referring to needing to keep your blood sugar up, I explained why this is unnecessary at 6:05 in the video.
If your goal is to lose weight (upping catabolism), then this makes even less sense, because your body starts to burn your body fat after you deplete your glucose stores. So unless your snacks are pure fat, then you’re having your body re-starting and re-stopping protein and glucose metabolism and it doesn’t get around to breaking down the fat in your body.
Unless you’re taking a dump every interval between snacks, your body is probably still processing the nutrients you took in since the last time you ate. So your body might not even be able to tell the difference between 3 meals a day or 6 meals a day.

Alcohol? No Thanks!
I was kind of confused when I saw a couple comments about alcohol. I don’t recommend alcohol consumption at all, when I mentioned it I was just trying to make an analogy. At most, I’ll have some beers maybe twice a month.

What about the cons of this way of eating?
It does take a while to get used to the hunger. For a while it was sort of a big deal for me, but that goes away if you’re patient enough. (It’s 8PM now and I haven’t eaten since yesterday, but just thought of my hunger as I am writing about it now)
No health complications that I’ve noticed, I haven’t passed out on the train or anything like that. I was doing a 4 day fast recently, and on the 3rd day I felt lightheaded after standing up when I had been sitting down for a long time. This passed in about 40 seconds and didn’t come up again. (I can see how that would worry someone though)
Social Life – At first I thought weakened social life was going to be a big thing that would deter me from doing this.
However, it’s not like I eat breakfast lunch and dinner with someone every day. If I have plans with a friend, I’ll just make the meal that I get with them my main meal. If I have to stretch my eating window out a little bit to make sure I get enough nutritious food it’s not that big of a deal. Even when I was a recruitment consultant trying intermittent fasting and doing multiple meetings a day, I’d just get a coffee and politely say I already had something to eat. As long as you’re not staring at the person while they eat it’s not a big deal.
I can definitely see how this would still be a hamper on some people’s social life, but there’s nothing wrong with switching it up here and there. Sometimes I’ll eat 2 or 3 meals a day on the weekend with friends, no big deal – I just go back to one meal a day the next day.

How do you recommend I start?
You might want to try just reducing your eating window. If you usually eat breakfast at 9am and then dinner at 8pm, try to have your dinner at 5pm. Then try skipping breakfast or having dinner even earlier. Baby steps are best, you’ll ease into the feeling of hunger. If you are able to, sure you can just straightaway cut down to one meal a day, but chances are this will make you way more hungry than you’re used to and you’ll be turned off to the idea.

Oh yea this is why starving kids in Africa live so long. This is such bullshit
Har har. Obviously I’m not saying less food = more health ad infinitum. You want to get enough food and enough nutrients of course, though what you really need might be a lot less than what you think you need.

■Hope this clears some things up! I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I’ll share what I’ve learned as best I can. Thanks for reading. Will expand this as I can when more good questions come up

55 replies on “Eating Once a Day: Questions”

thank you so much for this article and the video! i do intermittent fasting, and agree about feeling so much better. people around me think that i am weird, and that i must be suffering so much, because i restrict myself. little do the know…

Thank you so much for this information. I have suspected for a while that how often you eat is as important as what you eat.

So I have several questions.
1. You say you eat once a day or maybe every other day. You also say you drink several coffees a day. I watched the video you posted on how you make your coffee using at least a couple tablespoons of coconut oil. I also watched your video on why calorie counting is unnecessary. Do you count drinking your coffee as part of your daily intake of food/fat?

2. I read that cancer cells thrive on not only sugar but also protein. Is there evidence that this diet disproves that information?

3. These days it isn’t easy to find wholesome meats or fresh produce or it is too expensive to purchase. Does this diet work even if all that is available is less than optimal meats and produce?

4. Is there any evidence available to suggest that this way of eating could possibly help rebuild joint tissue?

Hey Zeppity,
Thanks for the comment.

1) Good question – that fatty coffee is something I’ll rarely drink, usually only when I’m pinched for time or really trying to focus on something. (I notice I get a kick in brain power from it – could be placebo but it keeps me going on little sleep so it works for me) If I do drink it I’ll make sure it’s 16 hours after having eaten carbohydrates, and I do include the fatty coffee when measuring food intake. What I usually drink is just black coffee

2) Hmm I’m not too familiar with this. Is it all protein or BCAA’S? I can see the connection considering excess protein gets converted to glucose via gluconeogenesis. I wouldn’t advocate high protein consumption though (unless you are working out enough to match it). If I had to sum up what I advocate so far it would be: high fat, high fiber, medium protein, low carbohydrate, very low fructose.

3) Sure, I think so. In fact this could potentially be even more preferable if you’re in a position where you can’t get quality food. The key point with the one meal a day thing is that you’re giving your liver more time to process any potentially harmful substances. Since you can’t help your liver out with good food, you can help it out by giving it more time to do its job 🙂

4) Honestly I don’t know much about that /-= (Do you have joint issues?)

I’m enjoying your videos and blog – thank you! I remember cooking a large meal for a crowd of homeless men in a winter meal/shelter program my church was helping with, and one of the men approached me and said that he wasn’t sure what to do with so much food. Apparently he had been raised by his mother to eat only one square meal every other day, and while he was trying to be gracious and thankful and all that, he just wasn’t sure he could eat all we were offering! Your posts have been the first I have seen of the every-other-day idea since then. Keep it coming!

Re: 3.:
I think what Zeppity was referring to the fact that not only insulin spikes IGF-1 levels, protein has also been shown to have this ability, which is why high protein consumption helps with muscle growth. However, IGF-1, being an anabolic factor, helps “growth” via mTOR pathway also in processes which we would rather hinder, tumor growth included.
Easy to find loads of studies on this issue, although it is still very unclear what can be an indivudual’s risk threshold when it comes to amout of protein or carbs/fats/protein ratio. There have also been studies looking for a particular amino acid which might contribute to this effect particularly and there were some clues anout it being methionine (those were studies on Drosophilas, though, if my memory serves).

Okay, well, I feel hungry if I only just eat one meal a day. How do I address this issue? And just for reference, I’m male and extremely skinny at 128 pounds. I eat when I’m hungry, but then that occurs at least twice a day. Thanks.

Its funny, I naturally started this as a starving student, 15 years later I still do it. Everyone thinks Im weird, but sometimes I forget to eat for like 2 days and then I get super hungry. Lol

I had a quick question in regards to how “healthy” it is. I watched the video and agreed with a lot of the points. However, what are your recommendations for people who have low blood sugar (not due to diabetic medication or any other kinds of medication). I have noticed that if I don’t eat enough, I would feel very faint and dizzy, and have often fainted. Doctors have told me that I just needed to eat more, but that would contradict this one meal idea. I think perhaps some people’s bodies do not store glucose as well as others, but I’m not sure. What are your thoughts?

I love this! I came across your vid and this page last week and instantly started with no research, not like me at all but your account gave me the confidence to try it. Plus the hubby/chef is gone so that is helpful. I gave myself a couple of weeks to transition into it but to be honest it only took two days. I’m not a coffee drinker so that could be why one cup at around 1pm offset my hunger for another few hours. I’m on day 5! It’s awesome not having to eat all the time!

I’m disabled with a connective tissue disorder – EDS3 and it causes myofasial, musculoskeletal and joint pain etc., it’s so annoying and hard every day. Sitting up to eat a meal causes real pain and I just don’t have time for that. I’d rather use my up-time in a better way!

Now I’m starting to eat at about 4pm and stopping at 7ish. I extended the window to get everything down because I still want to eat my fruit.veg.hummus.peanutbuter.nuts combo (which I can eat reclined in my bed) but I’ve halved the amount because at around 6pm I’ll want to have something more substantial. I guess I’m one of those rare vegans who can’ts stuff 2-3 pounds of food in one sitting! So do eat your one meal to the point when you’re full or up to the amount of calories/nutrients you need?

I also feel I need the time to get more calories. A couple of those days were 1200cals and the next day I would not be hungry but just really sleepy all day, even with the coffee. Do you get this fatigue if you don’t eat enough calories the previous day?

I have checked which nutrients I might be missing yet, so that’s next.

Thanks for the information, would love to hear updates and any tips you come across. I feel like you and I have the same mentality when it comes to commiting to a goal. When I set my mind to something I find it pretty easy however there are many like my husband who have attachments/dependencies to their routines/habits. That’s why when he said he wanted to go vegan I told him to do it over about 5-10 years and so far it’s worked. I think he would find it really hard. Or maybe he could transition to one meal a day over a span of 1 year? Did I just answer my own question??

So you have a link (to a gif) on imgur of what looks like 3 meals… is that supposed to be your 1 meal a day? and have you experienced weight loss?

“(In the gif, it’s kind of confusing and I think I made it look like I ate a plate of veggies, a smoothie, a plate of eggs and meat and a second plate of eggs and meat. The plate of veggies is just what’s in the smoothie and the first plate is the same as the second plate, just unprepared.)”

Your video peaked my interest for experimentation with my own food intake. But even after faq/q&a page I keep wondering whether to trust your interesting proposition.

– Biologically, I wonder what it does to eat only once a day with your digestion system and fat burning. Won’t your digestion system get the impression there’s less food coming in and therefore it needs to store any incoming amount instantly as fat? Won’t you stimulate fat creation due to signaling survival mode? My mom is big, but evolutionary speaking she’s very good at turning small amounts into fat. A skinny friend of mine over-eats systematically but therefore isn’t good at creating fat. He won’t make it through actual long periods of food hunger. His body can’t store the food. My mum could get through the winter, depleting her own fat. What is eating one meal a day and fasting, actually stimulating?
– so you eat the normaly intake all in one meal, but you also blend and mush together the ingredients. It’s the astronaut experience of food as units. Do you take into account the subjective experience of consuming food? You address the social aspect, but isn’t such an approach a complete stripping of food as a means to experience tastes and structures and shapes, as a home-made process to be connected with? (having grown up with food as simply unknown quantities, my eyes were opened when my in-laws gave me the fuller experience of growing food, of processing and preparing it ourselves; all the connections and histories involved in eating)

We are indoctrinated by the media through advertising and misled by proffessional people that we trust! Wheter its religion, food or science, we need to do our own research so we can make an educated decision. I love to take a 600ml ofplain drinking yogort and add 2 fruits, a cup of muslie and a handful of nuts to make a smoothy. This lasts me well beyond 16:00 in the day and I stil do not have any craving at that stage. Im sure that I could go through the whole day and only eat the next day. So, I will definitly start with the 1 meal a day and “cheat” only at special occasions. By cutting back on the 3 cups of coffee with sugar & milk and the 4 slices of bread and the 500ml of soda a day will have a huge impact on my goal to shake off 30kg (65lb).

If I were to attempt eating once a day does the food I eat matter? Also does eating till I’m 80% full still apply to the fasting?

After watching your videos and reading up some more on the ketogenic diet, I decided to try this out for myself. Its been about a week since I’ve started and I feel pretty decent now except I’m worried about a few things that I can’t seem to find enough information about online and was hoping you could shed some light on them.

I’m 20yrs/o, 6’3, weigh 190lbs, and exercise on a regular basis just to maintain my health and physique. ATM I’m eating about 1300-1500 calories for my one meal a day, which consist of high fat, high fiber, medium protein, and very little carbs(15-25g). After this first week I’ve already noticed a slight drop in weight which is fine and I don’t really care how much weight I end up losing as long as I remain as physical fit as I am now or more so. My question is…

1) So if I’m exercising regularly and continue to consume around the same calories… do you think i’ll end up dropping muscle mass eventually or not and would the remedy be either eating more protein or more calories in general.

P.S. Love you’re videos, they’re really inspiring.

Hello Joseph !
This is all very interesting. I am planning to give the “One meal a day” idea a go, indeed.
One concern of mine is that I really like coffee and although I’ve noticed that you mention that, you as well, drink a variety of beverages through out your day, I presume you mean “without any sugar whatsoever” in them?
Should I use other natural sweeteners like for example Stevia ?

Do you drink coffee or tea without sugar? I love coffee but not by itself without sweetener I would love to drink in in between meals but I’m afraid that adding sugar would negate the fasting. Any thoughts?

Hi Joseph!
Thanks for your great content!
I’m also living in Japan and here, as same as any other place, there are too many foods labeled as healthy, specially in combinis.

1. Is there any recommendations about any particular japanese food I should avoid? Like Shake Flakes, umeboshi, etc (things that you find only here).
2. On the other side, is there japanese “junk” food that might look unhealthy but in reality arent that bad at all? I don’t know, ramen, karaage, etc.

Thank you always and hope some day we can have japanese subtitles to show this to all my japanese friends!
Keep the awesome job!

This is really useful, Thanks for all the info!!
However, how do you manage to keep your energy level up after workouts, if you don’t have a post workout snack.??

I want to give this a try. Your reasoning and your experience have convinced me to take on this challenge. My plan is to figure out what I eat and how often, so I will have a baseline – I will take pictures of the meals and avoid snacks. There after, I will reduce the number of meals. Sounds great on paper. I am wondering if the time of the day you eat the meal is critical. I eat out with family and friends, usually evenings. Also, weekends I eat more. How do you deal with those ‘off’ days and do you find it difficult to reset to this habit when you have them.

I want to give this a try. Your reasoning and your experience have convinced me to take on this challenge. My plan is to figure out what I eat and how often, so I will have a baseline – I will take pictures of the meals and avoid snacks. There after, I will reduce the number of meals. Sounds great on paper. I am wondering if the time of the day you eat the meal is critical. I eat out with family and friends, usually evenings. Also, weekends I eat more. How do you deal with those ‘off’ days and do you find it difficult to reset to this habit when you have them.

First, let me say how much i appreciate the knowledge you provide. Your youtube videos are undoubtedly some of the best as far as nutrition (at least) goes. Anyway, lets get to the topic.
Im a 17 yrs old basketball player who dreams of playing pro. I would like to hear your opinion about my diet. Im training a lot, at least 2 hours every day and some times i train twice a day. I love eating one low carb meal a day (at night) . From what you mention in your videos, this method of eating is the best both for longevity and health. I primarily eat a huge bowl of salad (tons of veggies, some eggs and cheese) and some animal protein (meat/fish). Let me say that i love training fasted since im full of energy and that i dont have any issue eating a huge meal at night!! Here are my questions: 1) Will this type of diet be ok for me?? 2) Will i be able to recover from my workouts perfectly?? 3) Are carbs a must for such a level of high intensity training?? 4) Is it ok if the animal products are not top quality (organic, grass fed meat etc)?? 5) i have read that low carb/keto is not optimal for growth. Since im still young and im expected to grow more, can a diet like that be harmful to my growth?? Finally, 6) what kind of diet would you recommend to support my needs?? Looking forward to your answer.
Kind regards

Hi Joseph, Namaste from India!

I loved your video and the guide and had one thing in particular I wanted to ask you. I started Intermittent Fasting on the 24th of March 2017 and am eating only twice a day. My meal is mostly rice & chicken, less of the former. I intend to start working out and plan to eat my first meal at 1 pm and then got to the gym for 1 hour at 4:30 pm then have my last meal at 9:30 pm. Now if I take a post workout protein shake at 5:30 pm after my workout will this have any negative effect in any way ? Also another thing, is there any long term drawback of consuming black coffee or green tea ? Thank you.

Hi, I had a similar regime like yours for about 1 year, my energy levels where high, i was loosing weight at a fast pace, but after about 1 year I had a huge painful bile crisis, after that i started feeling weaker, for whatever reason my hair start falling and my bile was hurting. It seems that loosing weight affected my bile, and sand and stones formed there, so even if everything seems perfect, be sure to check your health regularly.

Is there a translation for Dr. Yoshinori Nagumo’s book? He looks incredible and I’d love to read it.

Interesting video and article Joseph but i wanted to know one thing considering my body type. I am around 5’11, 68 kgs and 32 years old, soon to be 33. As you can see that I am already underweight for my height and I loose weight very fast if I don’t eat properly which makes me wonder if this plan will work for me.

I would appreciate any comments or views from you on this. I am also going to the gym and doing squats, pull ups and other body weight exercises to increase muscle mass.


I am a “professional” dieter middle age super yo-yo. I agree fully with this theory. I shall try it once again. When I was 100.lbs smaller …..I used to fret about my weight and design my own meal plan, which included pushing myself to feel real hunger, 2 meals a day to eventually one. I was feeling great! and was looking great…. Unfortunately I cave in to pressure and searched out doctors advise he pair me up with a nurse nutritionist who pushed the “eat 5 meals /portion a day” bad advise 🙁 As I person who has struggled with emotional (addiction) eating. It gave me permission to eat (and cheat) all day long. I am now off the charts (can only guess my weight) feeling so unhealthy (trapped) and shame …. perhaps by sharing my story here publicly It may be the first step to recovery. Also I have developed type II diabetes 🙁

Hello Joseph!

I appreciate the research you digested for us and presented it in such compact format.
My wife and I practice IF and we feel great! so much less cognitive fog. awesome.

Regarding the coconut oil and using it to cook, I saw that it consists of nearly 95% saturated fat. discusses how the intake of saturated fats (and sugar, trans fats, excess iron and copper) increase risk of Alzheimer’s disease. What’s your take on that?


Thanks for the comment, Alex.

Yes, coconut oil is very high in saturated fat. However, I would not be worried about it, assuming you’re not consuming it along with a massive amount of fiberless carbohydrates. I don’t mean to initiate a “My expert vs. your expert” battle, but I really recommend checking this presentation “The Oiling of America” –
It creates a very sound line of logic explaining why saturated fat is not something to be feared. It’s long, but worth it.

P.S. I agree with Neal Barnard that Sugar, Trans Fats and excess Iron are not conducive to health. (I’m not entirely familiar with the effects of excess copper)

Finding you on the net (on youtube specifically) is going to be a life changing event for me. actually i got into your video after viewing that of dr. Sinclair, among others.
Thanks so much! To long and happy life!

Hi Joseph,

You said here that after undertaking this one-day-a-meal diet, that you started growing bigger and more defined muscles from your exercise. Could you post a few pictures to show your progress from before the diet and now?

fasting is certainly good for certain hours but for some people fasting for days or weeks can’t be as beneficial for example if i take my case i dont have eneough fats to accommodate the needs of my body it will start tearing muscle tissues as last Resort so i think its good but not for everbody, i want to be healthy and to lean more for a plant based diet and avoid eating all the time cause it increases my mental sharpness it buys me time and less meal prepping to go through

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